UHC on the NCD Café menu at AMREF Africa Health Agenda 2019

Tue, 02/19/2019

Universal Health Coverage and multisectoral action will be themes of the NCD Café that NCD Alliance is hosting at the AMREF Africa Health Agenda International Conference 2019.

PMAC2019: the political economy of NCDs - A call to a whole of society approach

Wed, 02/13/2019

The 2019 Prince Mahidol Award Conference took place in Bangkok from 29 January to the 3rd February. Strong calls by members of NCD civil society and academia contributed to productive conversations on how negative influence by unhealthy commodity industries could be better prevented and closely regulated. 

Making streets safer across the United States

As part of their mission to be a relentless force for a world of longer healthier lives, the American Heart Association supports cities and states in the U.S. making policy changes for healthier communities, like through Voices for Healthy Kids, focusing on childhood health and works to create safe active environments where walking and cycling are part of everyday life and culture

Packed WHO Executive Board meeting sets next steps on NCDs, looks ahead to UHC HLM

Mon, 02/11/2019

The 144th session of the WHO’s Executive Board took place from 24 January – 1 February 2019 with an exceptionally full agenda. Here is our pick of most relevant discussions for NCDs.

Petición: Restaurar los poderes del organismo brasileño para alimentos y nutrición

Tue, 02/05/2019

Una petición en línea está exigiendo el retorno de plenos poderes al organismo del gobierno brasileño que trabaja con la sociedad civil para implementar políticas que conduzcan a dietas saludables.


Día Mundial del Cáncer 2019: actuar con urgencia para mejorar la detección temprana del cáncer

Mon, 02/04/2019

Según UICC, casi cinco millones de casos de cáncer de mama, cervical, colorrectal y de boca diagnosticados en 2018 podrían haberse detectado antes y tratarse de manera más eficaz.

Petition: Restore full powers of Brazilian food and nutrition body

Tue, 02/05/2019

An online petition is demanding the return of full powers to the Brazilian Government body that works with civil society to implement policies leading to healthy diets.

World Cancer Day 2019: Act urgently to improve early cancer detection

Mon, 02/04/2019

Nearly five million cases of breast, cervical, colorectal and oral cancers diagnosed in 2018 could have been detected sooner and treated more effectively, said UICC.

The Lancet: La sindemia mundial de obesidad, desnutrición y cambio climático es la amenaza más grave para la salud

Wed, 01/30/2019

La producción no controlada de alimentos no saludables está generando una doble carga de obesidad y desnutrición, que se verá agravada por el cambio climático. Esta "sindemia mundial" es la mayor amenaza para la salud humana, según un nuevo informe.


¿Qué funciona para eliminar las grasas trans del abastecimiento de alimentos?

Tue, 01/29/2019

Esta semana, expertos presentaron las políticas de eliminación de grasas trans (TFA) de Argentina, Canadá y Dinamarca en una mesa redonda organizada por la Alianza de ENT y Resolve to Save Lives (una iniciativa de Vital Strategies), en Ginebra.

