José Luis Castro writes on NCDs and tobacco tax in The Lancet

Tue, 08/30/2016

"We won't achieve sustainable development goals for NCDS or other targets without tobacco taxes", says José Luis Castro, Chair of the NCD Alliance, in an article for The Lancet Global Health Blog.



World Heart Day 2016: Power your life!

Mon, 08/29/2016

World Heart Day on 29 September is the World Heart Federation’s (and the world’s!) biggest platform for raising awareness about cardiovascular disease.

World Cancer Congress: NCD Programme, Early Registration Deadline and More!

Thu, 08/25/2016

The 2016 World Cancer Congress will take place from 31 October-3 November in Paris, France. The conference will feature a dedicated NCD Programme, including seven NCD Café Sessions.

Web Consultation: WHO GCM/NCD Working Groups Draft Interim Reports

Wed, 08/24/2016

Draft Interim Reports emerging from the ongoing WHO GCM/NCD Working Groups on the inclusion of NCDs in other programmatic areas and on the alignment of international cooperation with national plans on NCDs, are now available for comment.

Health organisations: "Be the change you want to see in the world"

"If we do not lead by example, we are open to the charge of hypocrisy.  And who gives credence to the advice of hypocrites?" asks Terry Slevin


Civil society unites to mobilise action on NCDs at WHO AFRO Regional Committee Meeting

Wed, 08/24/2016

Civil society representatives from the NCD Alliance network made several statements WHO Regional Committee Meeting for the Africa Region, ensuring that messages of support and urgency were clearly heard.

World Alzheimer's Month is approaching: Challenge stigma, support #RememberMe campaign

Wed, 08/24/2016

September is World Alzheimer’s Month, an international campaign to raise dementia awareness and challenge stigma.

Telling stories, taking action: WHO's new global communications campaign on NCDs

Despite the consequences NCDs & their risk factors, few people are familiar with the term. What’s lost in debates over acronyms is the stories about people affected by these diseases. 


HCC Launches New Brief: The Implementation of Taxation on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages by the Government of Barbados

Wed, 08/17/2016

This policy brief provides an overview of the approaches used by the Barbados Ministry of Finance in the adoption of sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) taxation.

WHO appoints Mr Michael R. Bloomberg as the first Global Ambassador for NCDs

Wed, 08/17/2016

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced today the appointment of Mr Michael R. Bloomberg as the first WHO Global Ambassador for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). 
