NCD Alliance / Resources / Civil Society Resource Library
Civil Society Resource Library
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Discover practical tools to inform & inspire you.
This infographic provides an overview of NCD Alliance's campaign priorities in the lead up to the third UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs.
This presentation aims to support NCD advocates in their efforts around the upcoming 2018 High-Level Meeting on NCDs. It provides an overview of the HLM, including the background for the meeting, and presents the NCD Alliance campaign priorities to mobilise the NCD community.
This document provides an overview of the third UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs, and aims to support the NCD community in advocacy and campaign efforts.
This briefing paper aims to inform civil society and partners about the crucial opportunity of the 2018 UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs (UN HLM) to mobilise political leadership and new resources and action to improve the lives of people affected by NCDs worldwide, and to guide advocacy at global, regional and national level for strong commitments at the UN HLM.
Regional consultation for the Establishment of an African Civil Society network and Development of a Regional Implementation Framework for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) Port Louis, Mauritius.
Mapping of NCD Civil Society Organisations in the WHO African Region.
Make the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition count for all forms of malnutrition. The brief focuses on select SMART commitments which target overweight & obesity and nutrition-related NCDs.
The Atlas documents 38 case studies and programmes on a broad range of issues relating to access, awareness, accountability and advocacy, collected from national and regional NCD alliances around the world.