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Civil Society Resource Library

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Civil Society Resource Library

  • Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Mexico

    Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Mexico

    National & Regional Action
     |  19th March 2019

    This Advocacy Agenda of PLWNCDs in Mexico is the result of broad consultative processes during 2017 and 2018 involving dozens of people living with NCDs in Mexico City, representing diverse conditions, along with multiple stakeholders engaged in the NCD response in the country.

  • New Data-driven Map of the MENA Region Shows Urgent Need for Action on Cervical Cancer

    New Data-driven Map of the MENA Region Shows Urgent Need for Action on Cervical Cancer

    National & Regional Action
    (292.66kB)  |  18th March 2019

    Tunis, 4 March 2019 - A new interactive map launched today, on International HPV Awareness Day, shows the growing burden of HPV and cervical cancer in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

  • The Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Kenya

    The Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Kenya

    Advocacy Materials
     |  05th December 2018

    The Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Kenya is the result of a two-day consultative process involving the voices of 52 people living with NCDs, representing diverse conditions along with over 50 diverse stakeholders engaged in the NCD response in Kenya.

  • A breath of fresh air

    A breath of fresh air

    Policy Briefs
     |  29th October 2018

    Air pollution is the world’s largest single environmental health risk, and a leading risk factor for NCDs. According to the WHO, air pollution causes 7 million deaths every year worldwide. Of these deaths, about 80% are from NCDs, making the number of NCD deaths due to air pollution comparable to mortality due to tobacco use. Air pollution negatively affects quality of life for all, and in particular for billions of people living with NCDs.

  • Meaningfully Involving People Living with NCDs

    Meaningfully Involving People Living with NCDs

    Tools & Guidance
     |  23rd October 2018

    This review by NCDA lays out some definitions of key concepts and explores what meaningful involvement of people living with NCDs currently looks like within Civil Society, Government, and Health Care Delivery.

  • Political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases

    Political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases

    Key Political Commitments
     |  17th October 2018

    Time to deliver: accelerating our response to address non-communicable diseases for the health and well-being of present and future generations. Approved on 27th September 2018, adopted by UN General Assembly on 10 October 2018.

  • Remarks of members of WHO GCM CoP on meaningful involvement of PLWNCDs

    Remarks of members of WHO GCM CoP on meaningful involvement of PLWNCDs

    Advocacy Materials
     |  09th October 2018

    Members of the WHO GCM Community of Practice on Meaningful Involvement of People Living with NCDs, a platform to develop a shared understanding of the need for, and benefit of, the meaningful involvement of people most affected by and living with NCDs as a key element the NCD response, have responded to the outcomes of the 3rd UN HLM on NCDs through set of remarks highlighting priorities and recommendations on amplifying voices of people living with NCDs.

  • Trouble Brewing

    Trouble Brewing

    Advocacy Materials
     |  24th September 2018

    Alcohol is a leading contributor to death and disability worldwide, but governments haven’t responded to the issue with the attention, resources and action this urgent issue requires, says “Trouble Brewing”, a new report from global health and development organizations, Vital Strategies, the NCD Alliance, IOGT International and the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance. The report debunks misconceptions about alcohol use, exposes industry tactics to market to youth and women and derail regulation, and emphasises the urgency of implementing proven, evidence-based policies.