Waking up and walking the talk on NCDs

Wed, 09/04/2019

We are pleased to launch the mini-film Waking up and walking the talk on NCDs calling for urgent action to prevent and control noncommunicable diseases. It highlights solutions to tackle the NCD epidemic and help deliver health for all. 

New partnership to promote better eye health globally

Tue, 09/03/2019
NCD Alliance partners with The Fred Hollows Foundation to further integrate eye health into the global agenda.

Que todas y todos tengan vidas saludables depende de prevenir y controlar las enfermedades no transmisibles

Mon, 09/02/2019

Defensores de la salud de todo el mundo se unen para decir ¡BASTA! de apatía, inacción y progreso glacial en la prevención y control de enfermedades no transmisibles; y llaman a los gobiernos a cumplir sus compromisos para que todas y todos puedan acceder al derecho a la salud, sin importar dónde vivan.

Healthy lives for all depends on action to prevent and control NCDs

Mon, 09/02/2019

Activists around the world are raising their voices to say ENOUGH of the apathy, inaction and glacial progress on prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases, and calling on governments to deliver on the right to health for all people everywhere.

Ghana NCD Alliance representing the NCD voice at WHO AFRO Regional Committee Meeting

Mon, 09/02/2019

The NCD Alliance supported the Ghana NCD Alliance to attend the 69th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa from 19-23 August in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.

Lessons learnt from five years of building NCD civil society’s capacity

Sat, 08/31/2019
The NCD Alliance released a new report today on lessons learnt from a 5-year capacity development programme on strengthening civil society capacity to stimulate progress on prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).

Scaling up NCD action in Francophone Africa

Mon, 08/26/2019

Following NCDA's Regional Workshop on NCDs for Francophone Africa in June 2019, over 15 civil society representatives adopted the Dakar Declaration with the aim of scaling up civil society and governments' actions on the prevention and control of NCDs in the region.

What one woman endures to tell truth to power: when interference meddles dangerously with fact

In this blog, photojournalist and health communications expert Analía Lorenzo highlights industry interference in public health policies and shares the case of Dr. Esperanza Cerón Villaquirán versus Coca-Cola shareholders.


Obésité, sous-nutrition et changement climatique : facteurs communs, solutions partagées

Dans ce blog, Paula Johns, membre du Comité directeur de l’Alliance sur les MNT envisage des politiques simples et rentables pour soutenir la création de systèmes alimentaires plus sains et plus durables.


En première ligne pour éliminer les acides gras trans au Mexique et au Pakistan

Tue, 07/30/2019

En juillet 2019, Heartfile et Mexico SaludHable ont organisé des réunions de parties prenantes en vue de démarrer un travail conjoint sur l’élimination des acides gras trans au Pakistan et au Mexique à partir de l’ensemble de mesures REPLACE.

