Putting NCDs at the forefront of women & children’s health

Wed, 10/17/2018

NCD Café sessions at 2018 FIGO World Congress explored the opportunities for integrated NCD and maternal health services for women and girls, and discussed co-benefit solutions.

Do we have the ammunition to beat stroke and NCDs together?

Prof Bo Norrving writes on the value of a more coordinated effort to reduce the burden of stroke and NCDs on individuals and society, by identifying common gaps and collective actions.


Mobilising civil society to scale up national NCD responses

Read what Sir Trevor Hassell, President of the Healthy Caribbean Coalition said on a multistakheholder panel at the UN HLM on NCDs on 27 September on how to mobilise civil society to scale up national NCD responses.

Ampliar las voces de las personas que viven con ENT: mirar más allá de la tercera RAN de la ONU sobre ENT

Tue, 10/09/2018

Comentarios de los miembros de la CoP de la OMS sobre la participación significativa de las personas que viven con ENT con motivo de la tercera RAN de la ONU sobre ENT

Día Mundial de la Salud Mental: promover la salud mental en jóvenes

Tue, 10/09/2018

La promoción y protección de la salud mental de los adolescentes beneficia no solo la salud de ellos, sino también a las economías y la sociedad en general, según la OMS.

Amplifying voices of people living with NCDs - Looking beyond the 3rd UN HLM on NCDs

Tue, 10/09/2018

Read the remarks of members of the WHO GCM CoP on Meaningful Involvement of People Living with NCDs on the occasion of the third UN HLM on NCDs. 

Ending weight stigma and discrimination; a priority for all

To coincide with World Obesity Day's weight stigma theme this 11 October, Stuart Flint explains why weight stigma and discrimination is a priority, and how we can all look at what we can do to improve the narrative. 


Promote mental health in youth - World Mental Health Day 2018

Tue, 10/09/2018

Promoting and protecting adolescent mental health benefits not just adolescents’ health but also economies and society as whole, according to WHO.

La tercera RAN de la ONU sobre ENT destaca la necesidad de implementar las mejores inversiones ('Best Buys') de la OMS

Wed, 10/03/2018

La RAN de la ONU sobre las ENT concluyó el pasado jueves 27 de septiembre, con 23 jefes de estado y 55 ministros de salud que asistieron y participaron en la reunión. La semana del de la RAN en la ONU tuvo más de 100 eventos paralelos, muchos de los cuales se centraron en las ENT, y donde se presentaron varias iniciativas y recursos clave.


Third UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs highlights need to implement WHO Best Buys

Wed, 10/03/2018

The UN HLM on NCDs concluded last Thursday 27 September, with 23 HoG/HoS and 55 MoH attending and speaking at the UN HLM. The week of the UN HLM also featured over 100 side events, many of which were focused on NCDs, and several key initiatives and resources were launched. 

