Women disproportionately affected as diabetes numbers climb

Mon, 11/13/2017

Women with diabetes face unique and multiple barriers to accessing cost-effective diabetes prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment and care, found the 8th edition of the Diabetes Atlas.

More work is needed to meaningfully involve people living with NCDs, concludes Breakthrough Breakfast

Mon, 11/13/2017

More needs to be done to support meaningful involvement of people living with NCDs (PLWNCDs), concluded the Breakthrough Breakfast organised by NCD Alliance at the WHO Global Conference on NCDs.

Combatir la malnutrición requiere de un cambio radical

Wed, 11/08/2017

La malnutrición se ha generalizado tanto en todo el mundo que amenaza el logro de cualquiera de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) para el año 2030, según plantea el Informe Mundial de Nutrición 2017, presentado el pasado 3 de noviembre.

Is there a healthy intersection to leverage between food industry and public health interests?

Anita George from the McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer shares thoughts on the potential of the intersection between food industry and public health interests, following a meeting on Global Food Law and Policy


Juntos somos más fuertes

Fri, 11/03/2017

El taller Nuestra Visión, Nuestra Voz celebrado en Ginebra convocó a 34 participantes que viven con ENT de 22 países. El grupo finalizó la Agenda de Incidencia de las personas que viven con ENT.

Addressing NCDs through workplaces: it’s everyone’s business

Healthy workplaces are a core part of creating healthy cities. Learn why NCDA and Novartis Foundation advocate for employers in LMICs to play a greater role in the fight against NCDs.


Defeating malnutrition requires 'critical step change'

Wed, 11/08/2017

Malnutrition has become so pervasive globally that it threatens achievement of any of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), says the 2017 Global Nutrition Report, launched 3 Nov.

How trade policy affects health in the Caribbean

Wed, 11/08/2017

Non-health ministries must become aware of how their actions affect health, particularly NCDs, urges a new policy brief by Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC).

Together we are stronger

Fri, 11/03/2017

The Our Views, Our Voices workshop held this week in Geneva brought together 34 participants living with NCDs from 22 countries. The group finalised the Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs.

Ocho pasos hacia un mundo libre de accidentes cerebrovasculares

En los últimos 25 años, la carga mundial de ACV aumentó exponencialmente. Para conmemorar el Día Mundial del Accidente Cerebrovascular el 29 de octubre, la Organización Mundial del Accidente Cerebrovascular llamó a adoptar enfoques radicalmente nuevos para la prevención y la gestión de riesgos.

