NCD Alliance / Resources / Publications & Multimedia

Publications & Multimedia

Find all the NCD Alliance publications and the most recent global data on NCDs.

This section includes the latest NCD Alliance publications, such as policy briefs and analysis, progress tracking and advocacy toolkits, and our annual reports.

Publications & Multimedia

  • NCDA Advocacy Institute Webinar: Resource Mobilisation, 16 October 2019

    NCDA Advocacy Institute Webinar: Resource Mobilisation, 16 October 2019

     |  17th October 2019

    The objective of this NCDA Advocacy Institute webinar was to share the most important elements to ensure an effective resource mobilisation for a national or regional NCD alliance, in order to ensure its sustainability.

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 10 October 2019

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 10 October 2019

     |  15th October 2019

    This webinar included a recap on the UN HLM on UHC and the 74th UNGA week; update on the Regional Committee Meeting for PAHO; presentation of "Cut Stroke in Half: Polypill for primary prevention in stroke" by World Stroke Organization; and outlook of the next WHO's Executive Board session and the upcoming Global NCD Alliance Forum 2020.

  • Fueling an Unhealthy Future - Brief

    Fueling an Unhealthy Future - Brief

    Policy Briefs
     |  26th September 2019

    Nations will more quickly transition to clean energy if they redirect government funds away from subsidising unhealthy commodities– in particular fossil fuels. Such action would reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, thereby mitigating climate change and saving lives. Countries must reexamine current economic incentives to industries that harm health as an essential step towards creating coherent policies that sustain growth, support clean energy expansion and prevent noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).

  • Protecting Populations, Preserving Futures - Report

    Protecting Populations, Preserving Futures - Report

    Policy Briefs
     |  24th September 2019

    The report explores the optimal level of health workforce for NCDs across the continuum of care. Recognising the relevance of effective primary care in the delivery of NCD services and in the attainment of UHC, the report draws from best practice case studies across the continuum of care as observed in different regions to present existing and novel strategies for optimizing the health workforce.

  • Burning problems, inspiring solutions: sharing lessons on action against tobacco and fossil fuels

    Burning problems, inspiring solutions: sharing lessons on action against tobacco and fossil fuels

    Policy Briefs
     |  18th September 2019

    This report challenges policy-makers to tackle fossil fuel production and consumption as a health control issue, in the same way that smoking has been reduced and regulated. Fossil fuel combustion is a major source of toxic air pollution that kills 7 million people every year, almost the same as the number of deaths caused by tobacco smoking.

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 17 September 2019

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 17 September 2019

     |  17th September 2019

    This webinar will focus on providing an overview of the latest advocacy and policy updates right before the UN HLM on UHC and the UN General Assembly week; and updates on the RCM for AFRO and SEARO.

  • New mini-film: Waking up and walking the talk on NCDs

    New mini-film: Waking up and walking the talk on NCDs

     |  04th September 2019

    The NCD Alliance is pleased to launch the mini-film Waking up and walking the talk on NCDscalling for urgent action to prevent and control noncommunicable diseases. It highlights solutions to tackle the NCD epidemic and help deliver health for all.

  • NCD Alliance Webinar, 31 July 2019

    NCD Alliance Webinar, 31 July 2019

     |  31st July 2019

    This webinar focused on recap ahead of the UNHLM on UHC & UNGA; update on nutrition & alcohol policy (upcoming consultations); lessons learnt from the Vietnam NCD Alliance in advocating for the National Alcohol Law; and more!