S'attaquer aux troubles thyroïdiens avec des agendas des MNT inclusifs

Les maladies non transmissibles entravent la réalisation des engagements de santé mondiaux en matière de pauvreté, d'équité et d'égalité femmes-hommes, entres autres. Un agenda des MNT inclusif qui reconnaisse toutes les MNT, y compris les troubles thyroïdiens, est essentiel pour atteindre ces objectifs.


4 ways tobacco is devastating the environment

Thu, 06/23/2022

Tobacco has devastating impacts on the environment as well as health including being responsible for 5% of global deforestation yearly.

SEARO and WPRO states come together at WHA75

Representing over a quarter of the world's population, WHO member states from the SEARO and WPRO regions join together with shared NCD priorities. Find out more about their top issues in this blog!


WHA75: The Future of NCD Action in the AFRO Region

As they experience a skyrocketing NCD burden, AFRO region countries call for urgent action to tackle chronic disease at WHA75. Find out more about the issues that top their NCD agenda!


Sowing Solidarity: PAHO States Call for United Action on NCDs

On behalf of the 240 million people living with NCDs in the Americas, PAHO States petitioned for a unified and hastened response at WHA75. Read more about their key asks!


20 choses à savoir sur la santé mentale aujourd'hui

Fri, 06/17/2022

L'OMS vient de publier son premier rapport mondial sur la santé mentale depuis plus de vingt ans. Voici 20 choses à savoir.


Atender los trastornos de la tiroides con agendas inclusivas de ENT

Las enfermedades no transmisibles son barreras que impiden cumplir los compromisos mundiales de salud relacionados con la pobreza, la equidad, el género y más. Una agenda inclusiva de ENT que reconozca todas las ENT, incluidos los trastornos de la tiroides, es esencial para cumplir con estos objetivos.


Tácticas de la industria para evitar la regulación en el Caribe: una entrevista con Maisha Hutton

Wed, 06/29/2022

Maisha Hutton, directora ejecutiva de la Coalición Caribe Saludabe (HCC), en entrevista con la Alianza de ENT nos habla sobre las tácticas utilizadas por las industrias de productos básicos insalubres para evitar la regulación .

Addressing thyroid disorders with inclusive NCD agendas

Noncommunicable diseases are barriers to delivering on global health commitments related to poverty, equity, gender and more. An inclusive NCD agenda that recognises all NCDs - including thyroid disorders - is essential to deliver on these goals.

